Jakub Cieśla
legal assistant
Primarily focuses on civil and maritime law. Also regularly expands his knowledge in commercial law, obligations, inland navigation, and water law.
Since his first year of studies, he worked at a law firm in Szczecin, where he gained experience in civil, commercial, and social insurance cases. In 2023, he joined Zbroja Adwokaci.
A scholarship recipient from the Rector of the University of Szczecin and a member of the Faculty Council of Law and Administration at the University of Szczecin in educational matters. Co-organizer of national scientific conferences, open lectures, seminars, and popularizing events. An active member of the Student Scientific Circle “LexUS” and Student Scientific Circle of Roman Law “Actio”.
Participant in student scientific conferences, including international ones, in the fields of legal theory, constitutional law, and legal aesthetics. Basic proficiency in English, also speaks German.
Currently preparing a master’s thesis on maritime mortgage and ship liens.
Enjoys multi-day cycling trips, mountain hikes, and good coffee.

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My articles

What is a general average at sea and how to account for its costs?
Articles / 12 September 2024 / Maritime economy

Commercial sea fishing in Poland
Articles / 18 July 2024 / Maritime economy